One Thing I Do Know

DATE: August 7, 2020
BY: Pastor Bob Miller
25 He replied, “Whether he is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!”
OBSERVATION: The man who had been born blind is being questioned by the religious authorities about his healing. They wanted to trap Jesus because he had healed the man on the Sabbath. The man’s answer to their questions was: “I don’t whether he is a sinner or not”. I can’t answer all your questions about Jesus, but one thing I do know and that is “I was blind but now I see!” And he wasn’t going to be quiet about what he knew Jesus had done for him.
APPLICATION: Sometimes I feel like I need to have all the answers figured out before I begin to talk about Jesus. In fact the enemy would convince us that we ought to remain quiet until we “know more”. Wrong. I can begin now, sharing that which I do know…that which Jesus has done in my life. I don’t need to wait to have all the answers!
PRAYER: Lord, this I know! I was lost, but You found me! I was a wreck and You are restoring me! I was down and You have picked me up! I didn’t deserve any of it! I am a product of Your grace! Amen