DATE: August 24,2020
BY: Pastor Bob Miller
3 In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands. And his commands are not burdensome, 4 for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.
OBSERVATION: We are reminded again that love for God is revealed as we keep His commands. And His commands, for the one who loves God, are not heavy or burdensome, but rather are a delight to follow. When given a choice to follow the world or to follow God the world loses every time. The pull of the world is diminished, for our faith that Jesus is the Son of God propels us to live victoriously as we carry out God’s commands.
APPLICATION: I have found that “love” is the greatest motivator of all. I enjoy doing things for my wife. Love transforms that which was once a burden into that which I want to do!
Perhaps a measure of my “temperature” with relation to my love for God can be revealed in my attitude as I “do the things” He has asked me to do. Am I doing them because I “have to” or because I “want to”? Would I rather be doing something else? Do I have to be “asked” or does my love anticipate what He wants me to do, and I’m asking Him “what can I do for You”?
PRAYER: Lord, I have found that in doing Your will that the burdens are lifted and the load is lighter! My love or lack of it, is revealed in my obedience to your commands. May my love grow as I put my focus on You! Amen