From Pastor Bob’s desk

Aloha Church,

I trust that you were encouraged and challenged by our  Service which was posted on our web-site and Facebook yesterday!

It’s Monday morning, March 30th, and as I begin the week I’m reminded from Romans 12: 5 that, “I’m not my own”. (so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others).  My love and adoration to God for the mercies that He has poured out on my life, are to be shared with those around me. I am being called today to  worship Him by presenting my body to be used to love those around me.

Now my tendency is to THINK about those  that are ‘out-there”, outside my home, when my true and proper worship begins at “Home”.  One of the most humorous videos that was posted this past week regarding the COVID-19 virus  went something like this:

A husband is being interviewed and he is asked: “If you were  given a choice about your quarantine which would you prefer:  A or B?   A. to be quarantined at home with your wife and child or B…. “  And the husband quickly interrupts with his answer: B….B.. Definitely B!

I’m thinking – that not only is this a time for our children to be home-schooled – but all  of us are being ‘home-schooled’, but the primary course of study isn’t ‘math’ but is entitled: “Love101’.  And the curriculum involves how you CARE FOR and lay down our lives for our spouse and our children.

This week, let’s look to our master-teacher, Jesus Christ, as He sets the pattern for us, as to how to worship! ! Enjoy each day and those whom the Lord has placed around you.

Pastor Bob