DATE: August 25, 2020
BY: Pastor Bob Miller
12 I have much to write to you, but I do not want to use paper and ink. Instead, I hope to visit you and talk with you face to face, so that our joy may be complete. .
OBSERVATION: In this little letter John expresses his desire to talk face to face rather than to settle for “paper and ink”. A letter is good, but how much better to be in person where we can look into one another’s eyes and catch each other’s heart and embrace. On paper you only have words that speak. In person, you can speak without saying anything. That sweet fellowship brings complete joy!
APPLICATION: In these days of Covid-19 when we are quarantined and separated from one another, I am reminded how important it is, to speak to one another. A letter is good, a phone call is great, but a personal “face to face” when the time is right, that is something to look forward and plan for!
PRAYER: Lord, be with those who are isolated and set apart during this time of Covid-19. I especially lift to you, our elderly and those in the hospitals and nursing homes and elder care housing. How they must long for fellowship. Help me to reach out to them today! Amen