By: Pam Crews
Psalm 32: 5-7 (The Voice)
5 When I finally saw my own lies,
I owned up to my sins before You,
and I did not try to hide my evil deeds from You.
I said to myself, “I’ll admit all my sins to the Eternal,”
and You lifted and carried away the guilt of my sin.
6 So let all who are devoted to You
speak honestly to You now, while You are still listening.
For then when the floods come, surely the rushing water
will not even reach them.
7 You are my hiding place.
You will keep me out of trouble
and envelop me with songs that remind me I am free.
When we admit that we are sinners, and own up to our sins, and try not to hide them from God, He takes our guilt away. Admit to your sins to God and He Lifts you up, like he is taking the weight of your sins off of your shoulders like you take off a heavy jacket. I picture Angels carrying away the heavy coat of the guilt and shame of sin, and bringing a beautiful light coat of music, joy, and peace to replace it. If we are honest with both ourselves and God He will listen to us and forgive our sins. Then when sin comes looking for us again we can hide from it in God enveloped like an invisibility cloak in His songs and joy so we can’t hear or see what the Devil is saying or doing to try to get us to sin again. Because of the love joy and peace that surrounds us we are reminded that we are free. Free from the guilt and shame and pain that is caused by sin. Praise God WE ARE FREE!!!
Don’t hide from God. You can’t. It just makes things worse for you. I feel guilty and heavy and shameful. Own up to my sins. He will lift the heaviness off of me. I will feel lighter and probably look lighter in my countenance if I just give them to Him. He gives me a song to sing. It plays it over and over in my head. A song of praise and thanksgiving. A song of majesty and honor to Him. He protects me by calming the voices in my head with His music. His music keeps me focused on Him not what mayhem might be going on around me. I am secure in the fact that He loves me and I am forgiven so I can move forward knowing that He has me in the palm of His hand and HE will protect me. I am FREE!!!! Free to do His will and step out in faith when I hear the prompting of the Holy Spirit, which He will then honor my stepping out and allow the situation which could appear good or bad to be used for His glory.
Lord, please help me, …when I see my sin, to just own up to it and give it to you, accept your forgiveness and move on with the awesome life you are in the process of renewing, and always remind me to thank you for the song that you have put in my heart. Thank you for Jesus, who by dying on the cross, is constantly lifting me out of my sin and shame and bought my freedom with His blood. Use me to show others that He can do the same for them. In your precious name I pray….Amen