Be Strong in Grace

DATE: June 26, 2020

BY: Pastor Bob Miller

CHAPTER READ: 2 Timothy 2


”You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.”

OBSERVATION: We are to be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. You might think that we would be strong by the “might” or the “power” that is in Christ Jesus. But our strength is found in the Grace of our Lord which is available and accessible when we are least deserving and at our weakest point. He gives strength when we need it the most! That strength comes by looking to Jesus as the supplier of my need and not trying to produce it myself.

APPLICATION: I not only must remind myself that my strength is found in the grace that is in Christ Jesus, but I am to encourage others that their strength is found in Christ Jesus as well. The grace that has been extended to me is to be passed on to others. I’m to be strong in demonstrating grace, extending, and giving and showing grace to those around me. My strength as a Christian is measured by the grace I show.

PRAYER: Lord, I’m so grateful for the grace that you extend to me! It is love undeserved! Today, may I extend that same grace to those that need to experience your love. May I not wait until they earn it or deserve it. But simply give it as you gave it to me! Amen